Original Meditation
Date: Tuesday 16 July 2019
Presences: an Intra terrestrial of the 19th dimension, Archangel Azrael 13th D, a specialist of the cosmic waves of the 17th D living on Neptune.
Time slot: Start between 11 a.m. and 12:20 p.m., then between 5:45 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.
Duration: At least 15 minutes
1) Presentation of the cosmo-telluric energies
 The main theme is a work on the cosmo-telluric energies in preparation for the new waves of cosmic energies that are approaching and will last a few months. Indeed, we are permanently crossed by energy fields coming mainly from two points:
—The Earth: here the telluric energies are favourable for anchorage, for Life, for the circulation of energies in the body and the achievements in matter. So, to integrate positive information and energies in order to set them up your everyday life.
—The cosmos (referring to all the energies and information emanating from outside the Earth): which will mainly carry the spiritual energies and information, related to the Light, to the circulation of energies in the aura, to our ability to receive and store cosmic energy, which contributes to increase our vibratory rate and our consciousness.
2) Presentation of the cosmo-telluric canals
The human body is complex on the physical level, but even more so on the energetic levels.
For this theme, it is composed of two major canals as well as minor canals also called meridians, whose role is to homogeneously spread the cosmic-telluric energies in the body, and the nadis whose role is to make these energies circulate in the aura.
Presentation of the major canals:
 —The first One is a cosmic canal, passing through the body from the top to the bottom, and rising to the 9th chakra located at 1.50 meters above the head.
 —The other is a telluric one, crossing the body from the bottom to the top, and going down to the 1st underground chakra located at 80 cm below the feet.
3) Role and impact:
You should now understand that it is sometimes good to receive care to purify the disturbances and blockages hindering these major and minor canals, so that you can receive a maximum of the cosmic energies in proportion to your anchorage.
If these canals are not purified and balanced:
 —It leads to an imbalance of your aura and its functions, and eventually of your physical body.
 —It promotes negative disruptions.
 —It disturbs your extra-sensory perceptions.
 —It prevents you from increasing your vibration level.
 —It weakens / reduces the connection and communication with the spiritual world.
Therefore, you should also understand the importance of working on your  anchorage in order to be connected to the energy of Life, and also to avoid being distorted during spiritual activities, to integrate properly the meditations or initiations that you do, and therefore to symbolically "climb higher".
It is not for nothing that these points are developed from the first seminar of inner and spiritual development to the third level , with nuances and differences each time.
4) Why should you do it now?
One may wonder why this work is being  given / suggested now?
As I said, soon and for several months we will receive many positive cosmic waves and information, but also slightly negative, which can sometimes create energy imbalances.
The aim is to be able to receive, benefit and integrate all the positive aspects in proportion to your  anchorage,  but also to receive protections against the negative cosmic waves.
These periods occur as our earth and solar system cross different areas of the galaxy.
5) The given meditation ou simplement: This meditation
, Even if this point has repercussions on several aspects, the care proposed during this meditation is quite complete, including:
 —The treatment of non-human entities.
 —A purification of major and minor cosmo-telluric channels *1.
 —The balance of the cosmo-telluric energies in the body and the aura.
 —A treatment of the water of the body* 2.
 —A treatment on the negative energy memories (energy traces of disruptions).
 —A treatment of the cellular memories *3.
 —A Purification and initialisation of the external chakras up to the 11th upper chakra, and the 2nd underground chakra which will allow a better cosmo-telluric connection *4.
*1 – These canals can be impacted by many disturbances that you will be able to identify in our energy balancing formations.
*2 – It is important to treat the water of the body. Water has the property of being very easily loaded. Because it will be loaded with the negative emotions that you can express, with problems of "strong" electromagnetic radiation, but also with negative cosmic energies that transmit "bad" information.
 Once this point has been treated,  the vibratory rate will be increased, some emotions that no longer correspond to us will be released, and a better functioning of the organs will be restored.
*3 – Negative energetic and physical memories related to shocks and pathologies stored in the cells. Cosmics radiations indirectly impact the cells through the water of the body.
*4 – The chakras called external are the extension, outside the body, of the 7 major chakras. There are 6 upper (from the 8th to the 13th chakra) and 3 lowers (from the 1st to the 3rd underground chakra). Each chakra has different properties, roles and effects depending on its  state ou level of activation (initialised, partially activated, and activated) that we will not be detailed here.
Dear Presences, thank you for bringing me the most suitable "cosmo-telluric" care, in harmony with Life, Light, Divine Justice and my evolution. Thank you for this meditation, which brings me Peace and Deep Harmony.
"Infinite Gratitude"
List Jean-Loup